Getting started with InfoAsset Mobile

There are two versions of InfoAsset Mobile, the Office version and the Field version. The Office version contains the same functionality as the Field version, but it also allows the user to create and modify applications, maps and forms.

When the software has been installed, it will require very little configuration before it can be run.

The installation process will have created an option on the Windows Start menu for running InfoAsset Mobile. Selecting this option will load the InfoAsset Mobile program. Alternatively, if you have created an icon on the desktop, double-clicking this icon will run the program.

To familiarise yourself with the terminology used in InfoAsset Mobile, refer to the InfoAsset Mobile main objects topic.

Note: If a Setup Database Connection dialog is displayed when InfoAsset Mobile is launched, it may indicate that your local SQL Express service has not been configured with default settings. See the Setting up local database communications topic for further information.

InfoAsset Mobile main objects

The workspace